‘Biennale Brabant‘ 2015


6 - 22 November 2015
With Van Loon Galleries
BIENNALE BRABANT, Koepelhal Spoorzone, Tilburg, The Netherlands
Open the Biennale Catalogue with this link at issuu.com

A splendid atmosphere for my body sculptures in wire mesh here at the Biennale Brabant:

nude male figure made of wire-mesh at art exhibitionmale back as fine art sculptureblack sculpture in wiremesh by sculptor D. BegbieBiennale-Brabant-David-Begbie-09-webnude girl sculpture black on rednude erotique artwork, transparent wire-mesh girl and boy torso semi-transparent wire-meshcontemporary figurative body sculpture by artist David BegbieDutch Flag as a wall-mounted sculpture